Ease Your Dental Fears
Odontophobia or dentophobia is one having a fear of dentistry or the care provided by a dental office. It is estimated that 75% of all adults experience some degree of fear and anxiety in relation to dental practice. Only 10% of individuals are truly diagnosed as having odontophobia.
What drives fear of dental visits are the countless, unflattering stories told to warn or scare out of protection for our family and loved ones. This is in combination with major dental procedures that have been administered during severe cases. The lack of control and being at the mercy of such a sterile environment surrounded by scary tools including drills can also add to the stress of dental visits.
While most phobias are derived from hearsay and horror stories, very few are actual scenarios in which a traumatic experience took place due to the neglect of oral care or heavy use of tobacco and alcohol. With proper care and attention to your teeth, you have nothing to worry about on your next visit to the dentist. Regular check-ups and cleanings are meant to prevent major issues from becoming a reality.
At Lake Cities Dental, we understand the pressures and fears that coincide with the medical profession which is why we apply a personal touch to your visit. Keeping your oral hygiene at its very best should be a pleasant and satisfying experience. Come see why we are known as the Family Dentistry & Orthodontics with a personal touch.
Lake Cities Dental, 1101 East State Highway 114, Suite 104, Southlake, TX 76092 / Call: (817)410-7373 / Website: https://wpdev.site/lcdv2 / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LakeCitiesDental / Twitter: @Lake_Cities