Oral Cancer | A Candid Conversation | Part II
Last week we made oral cancer our focus in our post, Oral Cancer | A Candid Conversation | Part I". This week we will continue our candid conversation about oral cancer while focusing on the why and how behind oral cancer screening. Though cancer can be an uncomfortable topic of conversation, we believe that knowledge enables us to make healthier choices that lead to happier lives—our wish for all of our patients.
Oral Cancer Screening | Why
Dentists and doctors perform screenings in hopes that they may provide affected patients with an early diagnosis.
The Mayo Clinic article,"Oral Cancer Screening", defines oral cancer screening as a procedure that’s purpose is to look for and identify cancer signs or precancerous conditions. Dentists and doctors perform screenings in hopes that they may provide affected patients with an early diagnosis—a factor that may lead to an increased chance of healing and recovery as is often the case with other types of cancer.
Oral Cancer Screening | How
Though an oral cancer screening may sound daunting, it can often be carried out during a routine cleaning or exam and is virtually painless.
Though an oral cancer screening may sound daunting, it can often be carried out during a routine cleaning or exam and is virtually painless. The Mayo Clinic Staff says that during a screening, your dentist will examine your mouth for signs of red or white patches or sores. They might also feel for any bumps or unusual inconsistencies in oral tissue. It is at this time that partials or dentures may need to be removed for a thorough examination. Other tests may include rinsing your mouth with a dye engineered to recolor oral cells with abnormalities or shining a light into your mouth that illuminates unusual tissue.
The Mayo Clinic says that if your dentist discovers any sign or oral cancer or pre-cancer, he or she may ask that you schedule a follow-up appointment for the following weeks so they might again observe any abnormality for signs of change. A biopsy may also be in order and a sample of oral cells tested for the presence of cancer.
Oral Cancer Screening | Because We Care about you
Oral Cancer is a serious disease that often goes undetected. Being informed is the first step to attaining a happier, healthier life. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the symptoms described in, "Oral Cancer | A Candid Conversation | Part I", please schedule an appointment with Lake Cities Dental today and ask Dr. Moore about oral cancer screening. It may just save your life. Though Lake Cities Dental cannot take cancer away, they actively battle it daily as they strive to provide patients with an early diagnosis through screenings. Your health matters to them, therefore they urge you to make it a priority for you.
Contact Lake Cities Dental for more information about Family Dentistry and Orthodontics in the Southlake, TX area. (817) 410-7373. Also, check us out on Facebook and Google+.